そして(11)からラストは、正に感動的なクライマックス!荘厳なホーンアンサンブルとキング牧師の“I Have a Dream”の言葉が響きあう(11)、希望に満ちたゴスペル・ヴォーカルがフィーチャーされる(12)、そして、バラク・オバマの大統領選挙勝利演説の荘重な詠みあげと共に、シンボル的フレーズ“Yes We Can”の掛け声をきっかけに、コーラスが高らかに歌い上げていくラスト。そこには未来への示唆も託されている。
Christian McBride(bass, composer, arranger)
J.D. Steele(choral arranger, lead vocals on tracks 9 + 12), Alicia Olatuja(lead vocals on track 6),Sonia Sanchez(narrates the words of Rosa Parks), Vondie Curtis-Hall(narrates the words of Malcolm X),
Dion Graham(narrates the words of Muhammad Ali), Wendell Pierce(narrates the words of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Sonia Sanchez, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Dion Graham and Wendell Pierce(narrate the words of President Barack Obama),
Voices Of The Flame: Marvel Allen, Shani P. Baker, Jeffrey S. Bolding, Jeff Hamer, Susann Miles, Deborah Newallo, Eunice Newkirk, Claudine Rucker, Trevor Smith, Melissa Walker,
Steve Wilson(alto saxophone, flute),Todd Bashore(alto saxophone), Ron Blake(tenor, soprano saxophone), Loren Schoenberg(tenor saxophone), Carl Maraghi(baritone saxophone), Michael Dease( trombone), Steve Davis(trombone), James Burton(trombone), Doug Purviance(bass trombone),
Lew Soloff(trumpet), Ron Tooley(trumpet), Frank Greene(trumpet), Freddie Hendrix(trumpet), Darryl Shaw(trumpet), Warren Wolf(vibraphone, tambourine, timpani), Geoffrey Keezer(piano), Terreon Gully(drums)
Side A
1. Overture/The Movement Revisited 10:44
2. Sister Rosa ? Prologue 3:20
3. Sister Rosa 6:25
Side B
4. Rosa Introduces Malcolm 3:08
5. Brother Malcolm ? Prologue 2:49
6. Brother Malcolm 7:35
Side C
7. Malcolm Introduces Ali 1:03
8. Ali Speaks 2:42
9. Rumble In The Jungle 6:00
Side D
10. Rosa Introduces Mlk 0:40
11. Soldiers (I Have A Dream) 5:38
12. A View From The Mountaintop 4:14
13. Apotheosis: November 4Th, 2008 10:26